Wednesday, February 27, 2013


This was a cool abstract image i found that i though would look really cool when i twisted it into the kaleidoscope image we were suppose.

The second image i chose just because i knew it was   strange yet i thought it was beautiful. And i like beautiful so i used it and it turned out perfect.

Vanity Plate

I chose the colors black and green because they are two of my favorite colors. At first i wasnt sure what i wanted my image of my vanity plate to be and then i stumbled upon this awesome abstract image. So i threw it on as the background and it ended up looking really cool so i just went with it and i loved the results.

Andy Warhol

I didnt recognize you.

When my friends first saw this picture of me there spoken words were in fact drown out by laughter.. but once they finally got themselves under control they told me i looked normal.